10 facts about Albert Einstein:
1. Einstein's great break throughs came from visual experiments performed in his head rather than the lab.
2. Einstein was a slow learner as a child and spoke very slowly. When
Einstein was five years old and sick in bed, his father showed him a
compass that sparked his interest in science...
3. Einstein Failed his University Entrance Exam, and had to re apply a year later.
4. Einstein's Nobel Prize money went to his ex-wife as divorce settlement.
5. Einstein never received aNobel prize for relativity. it was actually for the photoelectric effect.
6. Einstein was famous for having abad memory. He could not remember names, dates and phone numbers.
7. Einstein's brain was taken without his consent for studying after
his death. It has since been stolen, retrieved, cubed up, studied,
stolen again and is now scattered. It should be noted however his son
did give consent for scientific research after the brain was taken.
8. Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952,but he declined.
9. When Einstein was dying, he refused surgery, saying "Iwant to go
when Iwant. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. Ihave done
myshare, it is time to go. Iwill do it elegantly."
Einstein’s last words were in German. Because the attending nurse did
not understand German, his last words will never be known.